The summer months bring with them sunshine, warmer temperatures and thoughts of relaxation
indoors away from the heat. Our homes’ air conditioning systems make it possible to enjoy the summer months without the discomfort of extreme temperatures. Proper care of your air conditioning system is vital in keeping your home cool and comfortable. The following AC maintenance tips will help you ensure proper operation of your HVAC system throughout the hot months of summer.
Proper air conditioning maintenance:
Schedule a system inspection by a reliable service professional at the beginning of the season
Your service technician will change your filter and check to make sure that all of the system components are clean and operating properly. An air conditioner that is working outside of the manufacturer’s specifications can cost you money in utility bills and potentially lead to costly repair work.
Make sure equipment has adequate clearance from obstructions and landscaping
Your AC condensing unit needs enough space around it for the air to circulate freely. Verify that there is a minimum of one foot of open space around all sides of the unit. You should also maintain at least five feet of clearance above the unit, so if necessary, cut back any branches or vegetation that may be obstructing air flow to the condenser.
Reduce heat sources inside your home
The sunshine that comes with summer months can quickly heat a room as it passes through clear windows. Be sure to close curtains, blinds or drapes to reduce air temperatures inside your home. Be particularly mindful of any rooms with windows that face the west or south. These windows will get the most sunshine throughout the day.
Be sensible about the expectations you have for your air conditioning system
Setting the temperature in your home to a temperature that is excessively cool can not only make your home uncomfortable, but it will also lead to wasted energy and high utility costs. Turn the thermostat on your HVAC system to a level between 73 and 78 degrees during the daylight hours. By raising the temperature during warmer months, you can reduce your monthly utility bills by up to ten percent.
Use ceiling fans to circulate the air
Ceiling fans may not reduce air temperatures, but they will keep it circulating. The breeze created by simply moving the air can make a warm room seem more comfortable.
Lower the humidity levels in your home
Use a dehumidifier to reduce the amount of humidity inside your house. Rooms with lower humidity levels can be cooled more effectively. Speak with a professional about the size and type of dehumidifier to fit your situation.
For more information on these AC maintenance tips contact the experts at ClassicABC. Call 214-851-2824 to speak with a friendly representative today!
How do I keep my air conditioner cooling in the summer?
HVAC maintenance is a perfect way to keep your AC cooling in the summer. Scheduling an AC maintenance keeps all the components working properly all summer long. Additionally, routine maintenance can prevent you from unexpected breakdowns and ensure consistent cooling. However, you need to schedule the maintenance at the right time to maintain your comfort.
The best time for HVAC maintenance is the beginning of summer. You can expect your technician to change filters and ensure all the components are working properly. In addition to maintenance, you can improve your HVAC efficiency by reducing heat sources inside your home. Keep your ceiling fan on for better air circulation and cooling and make sure windows are sealed.
How can I keep my house cool when AC can’t keep up?
Though you cannot do anything about the temperature outside, you can follow some tips to keep your house cool. First things first, prevent heat from coming inside by keeping your blinds closed during the day. Electronic appliances such as ovens, clothes dryers, and dishwashers also produce heat.
Therefore, reserve these activities for use in the evening when temperatures are lower. Secondly, give your HVAC a break! It’s a good idea to set your thermostat on a higher level so that the HVAC components can get rest. Adjusting by just a few degrees will put less strain on your HVAC without compromising on comfort.
Why is my house so hot even with AC on?
Air leaks and poor insulation might be some of the reasons that your house feels warm even with AC on. No matter how well your HVAC works, it’s not possible to cool your house if the cool air is escaping. Another reason your AC may not be able to keep your house cool is because of humidity.
Humidity traps the heat inside your house making it difficult to cool and increases the perception of heat. Modern HVACs have effective condenser coils and fans that remove the hot air outside your home. If all the above-discussed things are working fine, technical problems can also affect the cooling abilities of your HVAC. In case of technical problems, consult a professional HVAC technician and get back to your comfort zone.
Why does my AC not work in summer?
HVACs have their limits and can only reduce the temperature by 20 degrees outside. As the temperature rises outside, your HVAC works harder to cool your home. When it’s 100 degrees outside at noon, it may feel as though your AC is not working at all. However, there are several reasons that can affect your AC from cooling. It might be a problem with the air condensers as they can block the airflow if they are dirty.
Similarly, dirty indoor air filters and thermostat misconfiguration can also reduce efficiency. We recommend a complete HVAC maintenance check-up before the season starts to prevent technical problems. Consult a trusted service provider like Classic Heating and Air and schedule the HVAC maintenance.
How cool should my house be if it’s 100 degrees outside?
If it’s 100-degrees outside, your house should be between 80-85-degrees. The reason you are generally not able to cool your house much more than that is because HVACs can only regulate the indoor temperature by 20-degrees less than outdoors. So, there’s no reason to set your thermostat lower than a 20 degree difference from the outside temperature. At 100 degrees outside, 80-degrees indoors means your HVAC is working perfectly.
Thermostat set at lower temperatures may force the system to overuse components for expected cooling. With regular maintenance, your HVAC should be able to maintain the temperature of your home. Make sure your air filters are clean and the compressor is working properly to cope with the harsh summer heat.