Heating System Inspection — Keep it ready before the Thanksgiving

Rest assured it will be the night before the in-laws’ arrival for Thanksgiving or the Saturday of the Christmas party you are hosting when the next polar vortex sets in or North Easter sweeps our fair berg. Fortunately for you, Classic Heating and Air are ALWAYS on-call and willing to help you but far too often parts distributors are closed and our on-call technicians end up overbooked.

Having spent my last 26 years in and around this industry in DFW, I have seen it play out year after year. Regular work days are moderately busy with tune-ups and preventative maintenance with a few breakdowns sprinkled in here and there and a weekend or holiday commences and the phone lines flood with cries for help. Avoid any trouble with your HVAC and get a heating and furnace inspection.

It’s always a great idea to get a heating system inspection and other services from a professional. Not to mention all the calls from individuals whose “usual” HVAC service provider is not equipped nor mindful enough to have a procedure for handling after-hours calls!
Our goal at Classic Heating and Air is to go the “extra two miles” in our efforts to serve you in your time of need, but in these instances, our resources only stretch so far. Give your family and home the attention they deserve and CALL CLASSIC at the FIRST sign of heating woes and we’ll be there to help!